Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tell Tale Heart

First of all, Poe offers no clear suggestion regarding the relationship between the narrator and the old man. The only inference to be drawn is that they were, most likely, not related by bloodline. In fact, we can only presume that he lived with the old man.
The basic conflict can be seen in the struggle between the narrator’s intellect and his madness. While his intellect retains some control of reason and logic, allowing him to carry out his devious work of murder, his madness, the illness that had so sharpened his senses (especially his hearing) is in full control of his imagination.
Of course, the narrator tries to hide this madness when he begins to discuss his motives for the murder of the old man he had loved. Clearly, this was Poe’s intention.  It lead to the assumption that the character was not insane, yet. Then he confesses he had no desire for the old man's wealth and that  had never wronged or insulted him. There were no passions he felt against the old man and no object of gain or advantage to be had by his death. Later for the first time the realization occurs to him that it was the old man’s hideous eye, his "vulture-like" evil eye. This gives the reader the sense that the crime was an act of compulsion driven by his exaggerated imagination.
In my opinion, I believe the heartbeat was the murderer's hallucination. However the killings were definitely true, although it plants a doubt of how the police quickly appeared. Is it possible to hear the scream from inside the house? In that case the whole scenario can be the character's dream but at this point, the old man was definitely murdered. The negative image portrayed of the old man from the narrator provided a clue of his hidden feelings, leading to crime.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

            It was the day before Thanksgiving. School had finally ended after ninth period, and it seemed as if every other student was talking about their plans over Thanksgiving Break. Usually the topic never caught my attention, feeling dull since our family never celebrated it. But not this year. Few days ago, my mom unexpectedly ordered a full-course Thanksgiving meal she saw from a Dominick’s catalogue. Although I’m the only one in my house that likes turkey, my mom decided to make it special for once and offered to have my friends over. The thought of spending the holiday with my high school friends along with an actual Thanksgiving dinner thrilled me. I couldn’t wait until six o’ clock, which was when we were suppose to meet.
            My house is a three-floor condominium; the first floor is basically the entrance; it is a small space for a guest table and a piano, with a closet for shoes and coats. The second floor leads up to the kitchen combined with the dining room. The living room is next to the kitchen, separated by a wall. The third floor includes two bathrooms, my own bedroom, and the master room for my mom.
            The time slowly rolled by, and few minutes after six, the twins had arrived. Melanie and Rose Valdez each possess completely different characteristics that extremely contrast one another. Melanie, the older one, has an energetic, enthusiastic, animated personality that will brighten up your day – or at least, my day. She is someone that you can never get mad at, and her hidden wildness can get you nowhere. Despite her cheerful aspect, she sometimes goes through severe mood swings staying depressed, as well as getting stressed out easily. Having the nickname of a ‘worry-wart’, she carries her own deep thoughts underneath her happy side. However, her usual ecstatic, either innocent-or-really-clueless character often creates a positive atmosphere.
Rose, on the other hand, is a cool, laid-back, down-to-earth friend with a bit more mature personality. She stays care-free and clearly knows her likes and dislikes. Often she is mistaken of her ethnicity by others. “I’m not Mexican!” she frequently claims. Her conservative, stubborn, but thoughtful spirit will be someone that will always laugh at your jokes. She is the one that will balance out the craziness when all of us are together. Even until now, it surprises me of the fact of how different these twins are. I can never get sick of one or the other.
          Quickly, we climbed upstairs and began to prepare for the upcoming feast. A huge, black, oriental-patterned table was set up in the middle of my cozy, white-and-pink room. Then plastic cups, spoons, forks, and plates were placed on the sides of the table. A little more than half an hour later, my cellphone vibrated out loud, a call from Justin. He and Dansen were almost here.        
        Justin Honra and Dansen Mayhay are also blood-related, as cousins. They also share different minds and personalities. First of all, Justin tends to have everything neat and clean, unlike other average teenage boys. He will never eat anything that someone else, even his own friend, ate. (But interestingly enough I later found out his own room was dirty as a pig pen.) Every day during lunch Justin and I are always fighting over the twin’s desserts. Calling each other with vindictive words, we try to win the last piece of cookie or brownie left.  Having been grown up surrounded by many women in his family, Justin is used to hanging out with a lot of girls. Our whole group doesn’t treat him like a man either.
         In comparison, Dansen Mayhay possesses a more manly, outgoing personality that makes her extremely social and likely to develop many friendships. She is not embarrassed to make fun of herself in front of others. Her exotic, wild and funny character is a quality that I myself, often envy. She always tries to create the opportunity to hang out and have fun with her friends on no-school days or weekends.
         All five of us finally gathered together at my house for the big Thanksgiving event. With starved stomachs, we huddled over to the kitchen, and found a petite, lavishing buffet set up on the counter to our surprise. Trays of scrumptious food from Hawaiian rolls to pumpkin pie were laid out ahead of us. The fully cooked turkey, warm mashed potatoes, fresh chicken salad, hot crispy dumplings, and rich cranberry sauce and even sushi were all prepared by my mother! Not knowing which food to take first, we all placed as much as possible on one plate. Carrying napkins and soda on the other hand, we happily carried the filled, heavy plastic plates up to my room. We all know what happened next -- the food was devoured in less than 10 minutes, having the best Thanksgiving feast I’ve ever had in my life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dumbfoundead- Love Psycle

First you find it so intriguing, your heart is beating its so misleading, the want grows into god I need it,  then you find it slowly leaving, you look for something just the same, so you can feel it once again, you go through strangers but its strange, and go  back to salvage what remains,

drunken advances, multiple chances, rookie romantics in need of practice, we’re students of love, in and out of classes, go for the ride until it crashes, Ive been through enough to have learned my lessons, from puppy love throughout my adolescence, we’re friends and enemies, the same identity, you’re a source of strength but a waste of energy, we play that game that some aren’t built for, feel that pain that some would kill for, we drank we smoke, we’ve taken the pillform, got high with you even as your mentor, what we had seemed irreplaceable, till I ran and got a taste of new, but my drive was just a waste of fuel,  shoulda just used it all on my race to you,

I'm naked, I'm numb, I'm stupid, I'm staying
And if Cupid's got a gun, then he's shootin'

Lights black, Heads bang, You're my drug, We live it
You're drunk, you need it, Real love, I'll give it

So we're bound to linger on
We drink the fatal drop
Then love until we bleed
Then fall apart in parts

Verse 2:
when im in im in, put my chips on black, your kiss burned my lips like I just hit crack, turn the lights off we get it crackin, turn the lights on and we lose the passion, we try new things by lying and cheating, a constant cycle of goodbyes and greetings, act like love has a higher meaning, we’re afraid to let loose of are tied up demons, time consuming, mind confusion, im trying theres gotta be a science to it, is it worth the effort, im not an expert, once a heckler before the pressure, a constant  battle with no winner at the end, a simple breakdown from lover to a friend, friend to an enemy than lover once again, it comes and goes as subtle as the wind,
it comes and goes as subtle as the wind,
subtle as the wind,

           About 80% of existing songs are based on love. romance. relationship. break-up, etc. This song isn’t an exception to the typical, however. But it catches my attention not just by the fancy mixtape but its lyrics degrading the common characteristics of love affairs. The rapper articulates the stories and situations with just couple of words; the phrases are direct and concise, sometimes used with hidden meanings. I’m pretty sure all of us who went through relationships experienced at least one of the issues mentioned in the song…whether it was ‘puppy love’, or have been late or have cut classes to see them, argued with eachother, fought, or made up and became friends.
           Currently in this society, with the constant social interaction and individual freedom, love is often taken for granted. They are just considered "chances" that will come back again and again, when the reality is that we will rarely find the ones that we truly seek. The bitter words of the song criticizes the shallow development of two lovers for benefits.
           Among all the lines "you're a source of strength but a waste of energy" stands out to me. It basically conveys "you were dependable but overall a waste of time". As the verse continues, he describes the positive aspects of dating then examples of disputes or conflicts which lead to the theme of the chorus. The chorus suggests the constant love cycle was based on stupidity: “I’m naked, I’m numb, I’m stupid”. It’s as if we regretted the times we were blinded by love, blaming ourselves for the unrighteous acts and immaturity: “if Cupid's got a gun, then he's shootin’ ; Every single time we fall in, not caring at all about the consequences: ”You're my drug, We live it. You're drunk, you need it, Real love, I'll give it”. Then good-byes take place, turning to ‘friends then enemies, then lovers once again'.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

On the Reservation

When I first hear the word 'reservation' or 'Indian reservation', I instantly picture an image of a poor, unindustrialized, dry, flat land. Life would definitely be harsh to live on such place, like a separate own world disconnected from the outer society. However, some people might think the reservation may not be as bad as it sounds, or as how they are exposed in the media. The media may be exaggerating the cruel conditions of how Indians live. Thus, the average perceptions of Indian reservations can be contrasting to one another: either a content, suitable, cultural habitat, or poor, depressible, lacking community.
Seldom, there are dubious articles claiming how many Native American tribes live a wealthy, pleasurable life with productive income; sometimes they own rich businesses like the casino. Occasionally they possess personal boats, Hummers, and Escalades that are parked outside their reservation homes. Interestingly enough, Indians apparently live a life no different, perhaps better, than average Americans.
Unfortunately, there are hardly any positive reports revealed about the reservation land on a regular day basis. Examples of prosperous Native American tribes or individuals are rare, extreme cases happening in selective areas. Usually we hear about the isolated communities located outside the cities, being difficult to get food. Stores, towns, and other social public areas are almost impossible to reach, located approximately over 100 miles. Because of this, the people are segregated within the rest of the state, residing in a small population. Everyone stays close in a family-like environment. Indians are to survive depending on each other in the restricted, inconvenient area.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Propaganda 2011

   As the development of technology increases, propaganda is widely spread throughout the world. In fact it grew more rapidly as internet, T.V, and commercials appear. Adults, elders and even children are exposed to the media and are influenced unconsciously. We start to create biased and unbiased minds following the mainstream before you know it. In my current life, an example of propaganda (not related to government or politics), would be the reporters who write false images and articles of public figures.
   Celebrities, for example, are usually main targets among fans, media, and the paparazzi. Since millions of eyes watch over one’s life, they always have to be careful in what they do. The problem is, it does not matter if they stand morally and act like how they should act because the reporters will do anything to create an issue. These issues can be false rumors, stories and gossip that portray negative views on the celebrity. Unfortunately the public agrees, believing what said is true. They soon take opinions, having wrong images that lead to criticism of the person.  The media eventually controls the minds of people, viewers, and fans. A one negative article of a celebrity can manipulate the people to turn their backs. Some examples, although they might also be true, could be: 1.Lindsay Lohan has been accused of committing theft this month of February 2. Miley Cyrus’ articles of drug usage 3. Relationship with Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie.
It disgusted me when I noticed the front page of a magazine while standing in the line at Dominick’s. The article was titled “Brad Pitt Still Sees His Ex-wife Jennifer—“  I mean, who cares if they still saw each other? Do they expect us to believe that after all the break-up stories and reunions? Just because they’re divorced are they not supposed to see each other at all or something? Is this supposed to give some kind of blame to Brad Pitt or even Jennifer Aniston?
 It gave me the impression of how reporters were trying so hard to throw a hot topic that would grab the public’s attention. Because of this many fall for the countless, fraud articles of the poor celebrities that are only human.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Response to Black Boy

As a reader, I feel as if the story of Black Boy is repetitive, with situations happening in the same routine. Although the events differ from time to time, Richard always seems to be going through constant challenges through his life. But in the end, most of one’s life is a repeating cycle so why should he deserve blame?
            As much as it is a true story (an autobiography), you can’t really expect new occasions to occur daily. Unfortunately Richard’s life is misfortunate so far, with no encouragement or support but full of mischief and trouble. As a toddler he was involved with accidents, violence, alcohol, and starvation. Once he decides to act, it brings harm to himself and the family. He slowly fights against the constant obstacles of his life (such as the abandonment of his dad, saloons, beatings, racism,mother’s illness,etc) and is faced with new ones. The tragic situations with barely any hint of hope bring the thought of giving up. The book becomes more overbearing to take as it is constantly reminded that it has all happened in a person (especially as a child)’s life.
            Then I ask myself, after the rough childhood and intolerable events, how did Richard overcome such a life and succeed to where he stands now as a famous writer? Could I have been able to do that when experienced the same? The answer is I am not sure. Until I read the book, I’ve always thought a successful person comes from proper education, the right childhood, and a content family background with lots of love and care. Richard Wright proved it wrong. Therefore I give the book a chance to make me realize what more he went through to deserve all the admiration and honor later on.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Black Boy

In my opinion, I do not see Richard’s negative behavior as his intention for ‘attention’. Although his dad abandoned his family he was too young to understand the reason of his whereabouts. He has no dependence on his brother whatsoever, as he is only mentioned a few times through the first chapter of his childhood. Ultimately, I blame his mother for Richard’s inappropriate actions.
 I understand where his mother is going towards underneath her harsh care of Richard. However I do not think it fits for a toddler at the age of 4. Instead of beating up her child 24/7 she should at least once show a warm affection towards her son whenever he did something bad. At the beginning when he burned the house on fire, most children would be afraid of such sight or cause. Instead, Richard only thought about his beating of his mother after, which was different from an average child. Also the incident with the gang boys and the stick was not what she should’ve taught to a four to five year old boy. He learned to use violence, and later alcohol as his mom went out to work. If he was taught with warmth and care, I believe Richard wouldn’t respond so negatively to the world. This specifically showed when he developed a “deep hate” towards his father wanting to prove him wrong when he ordered Richard to kill the kitten. Although Richard knew better, he wanted to act in the opposite way to show his dad.
In conclusion, Richard wasn’t alone in his cravings for attention. He only responded to the vindictive nature of his environment.

Monday, January 24, 2011



         Thoreau is an author who calls out ‘simplicity’ when he himself is a complex man.  Going to the woods to rethink about the facts of life, the virtues, and the genuine meanness of it is a hard decision not made by many common, average men. He suggests, “In that case did Thoreau actually have one meal in the woods? Did he take action in his words? Later he changes his mind to jump back to the troubles of life. He realizes he has Before that, did he grasp all the values he sought in the beginning when he first decided to go to the woods? It certainly says he has “wished to live deliberately…see if I could not learn what [life] had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived”, yet it only took him a week to figure it out or run away from it. Despite all the conflicts, Thoreau’s experience with Walden teaches a lesson: Everything comes easy if you take an easier perspective of life. Nature is kept simple, therefore the world should be less complex.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

King Still King?

If Martin Luther King Jr. returned back to life in this modern day, he would be overwhelmed by the great change over the years. It is true how time cures everything, after all, even if it may not be complete. However, since the problem with racism isn’t as extreme as it was back than in the 60’s, King Jr.’s campaign towards equality probably wouldn’t take much effect nowadays. If so, the change would be so little, since people learned to adapt better with one another. Nonetheless, his leading role in history can relate to us in other ways than just racial discrimination. He is a king of different crowns who can influence the people in various ways.
 Martin Luther King Jr.’s peaceful mentality along with his morals is something to take as we live our lives. His idea of a “non-violent campaign” should be considered as the basic step to fight for justice. Violence can never be just; therefore his work with peace is probably what changed the minds of many people. At the same time, Martin Luther’s accomplishments through his great deeds were what touched people’s hearts more than they should. On the other hand, there are many other organizations and protestant groups using force to get their ways, breaking the law of their own. They not only achieve, but end up losing their main focus of what they wanted from the beginning. In that matter, the admired Martin Luther King Jr. remains in our textbooks, articles, documents, and history. As much as he is remembered, he influences the education and society still today.
 Besides Martin Luther’s passion toward equality among race, his determination in his faith is something we can all take. His strong belief towards Christianity and his will to spread the message like St. Paul despite the struggles was an inspiration to many believers. We learn something new from him every day; his courage to dream and achieve his goals even if it occurred after his life tells all that he can never be forgotten.
I believe that when Rosa Parks reunited with Martin Luther few years ago in heaven, they held their own amazing celebration along with the people who sacrificed their lives for the racial movement. Martin Luther King Jr. was probably overjoyed with a slight self-satisfaction of himself completing his purpose to the world. As much as people’s view towards race has improved over the 50 years, I strongly believe it is possible for the equality of America in the future.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Response to This Sacred Soil

                The reading of Chief Seattle’s words has blown my heart. Feeling of sympathy and anger gushed over me as I read the short yet deep pages of This Sacred Soil. Many quotes stood out in my heart, but most importantly, “Your God is not our God. Your God loves your people and hates mine” (Seattle, p100).
As I learned about European history and their wars between religion, a question stuck to my head ever since: If Europeans were devoted Christians, why did they cause wars, killing men which is the biggest sin you could possibly commit? Then I scold myself, as a believer of Christianity, I commit sin continuously as well. However the matter is different, I have never killed a man. So how could the Christians, who probably were more passionate, defy against God’s law?
I felt great shame as Chief Seattle stated the words, “Your God loves your people and hates mine”. Not only I was ashamed of the people who committed wrong acts to the Natives but I felt shame since they showed an unrighteous image of  God to them.  God is holy, loving, and affectionate no matter what. God doesn’t differentiate among people but loves us all equally. How could the white people, the so called “Christians”, represent a false impression of God that way? Chief Seattle continues, “The white man’s God cannot love our people or he would protect them”.  It is sad that is how God was portrayed in the Native Americans’ eyes. If I could go back in history, I would want to stop the wrong doings of these Christians and ask my question, “Why kill a man if God forbade you to do so?”