Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

            It was the day before Thanksgiving. School had finally ended after ninth period, and it seemed as if every other student was talking about their plans over Thanksgiving Break. Usually the topic never caught my attention, feeling dull since our family never celebrated it. But not this year. Few days ago, my mom unexpectedly ordered a full-course Thanksgiving meal she saw from a Dominick’s catalogue. Although I’m the only one in my house that likes turkey, my mom decided to make it special for once and offered to have my friends over. The thought of spending the holiday with my high school friends along with an actual Thanksgiving dinner thrilled me. I couldn’t wait until six o’ clock, which was when we were suppose to meet.
            My house is a three-floor condominium; the first floor is basically the entrance; it is a small space for a guest table and a piano, with a closet for shoes and coats. The second floor leads up to the kitchen combined with the dining room. The living room is next to the kitchen, separated by a wall. The third floor includes two bathrooms, my own bedroom, and the master room for my mom.
            The time slowly rolled by, and few minutes after six, the twins had arrived. Melanie and Rose Valdez each possess completely different characteristics that extremely contrast one another. Melanie, the older one, has an energetic, enthusiastic, animated personality that will brighten up your day – or at least, my day. She is someone that you can never get mad at, and her hidden wildness can get you nowhere. Despite her cheerful aspect, she sometimes goes through severe mood swings staying depressed, as well as getting stressed out easily. Having the nickname of a ‘worry-wart’, she carries her own deep thoughts underneath her happy side. However, her usual ecstatic, either innocent-or-really-clueless character often creates a positive atmosphere.
Rose, on the other hand, is a cool, laid-back, down-to-earth friend with a bit more mature personality. She stays care-free and clearly knows her likes and dislikes. Often she is mistaken of her ethnicity by others. “I’m not Mexican!” she frequently claims. Her conservative, stubborn, but thoughtful spirit will be someone that will always laugh at your jokes. She is the one that will balance out the craziness when all of us are together. Even until now, it surprises me of the fact of how different these twins are. I can never get sick of one or the other.
          Quickly, we climbed upstairs and began to prepare for the upcoming feast. A huge, black, oriental-patterned table was set up in the middle of my cozy, white-and-pink room. Then plastic cups, spoons, forks, and plates were placed on the sides of the table. A little more than half an hour later, my cellphone vibrated out loud, a call from Justin. He and Dansen were almost here.        
        Justin Honra and Dansen Mayhay are also blood-related, as cousins. They also share different minds and personalities. First of all, Justin tends to have everything neat and clean, unlike other average teenage boys. He will never eat anything that someone else, even his own friend, ate. (But interestingly enough I later found out his own room was dirty as a pig pen.) Every day during lunch Justin and I are always fighting over the twin’s desserts. Calling each other with vindictive words, we try to win the last piece of cookie or brownie left.  Having been grown up surrounded by many women in his family, Justin is used to hanging out with a lot of girls. Our whole group doesn’t treat him like a man either.
         In comparison, Dansen Mayhay possesses a more manly, outgoing personality that makes her extremely social and likely to develop many friendships. She is not embarrassed to make fun of herself in front of others. Her exotic, wild and funny character is a quality that I myself, often envy. She always tries to create the opportunity to hang out and have fun with her friends on no-school days or weekends.
         All five of us finally gathered together at my house for the big Thanksgiving event. With starved stomachs, we huddled over to the kitchen, and found a petite, lavishing buffet set up on the counter to our surprise. Trays of scrumptious food from Hawaiian rolls to pumpkin pie were laid out ahead of us. The fully cooked turkey, warm mashed potatoes, fresh chicken salad, hot crispy dumplings, and rich cranberry sauce and even sushi were all prepared by my mother! Not knowing which food to take first, we all placed as much as possible on one plate. Carrying napkins and soda on the other hand, we happily carried the filled, heavy plastic plates up to my room. We all know what happened next -- the food was devoured in less than 10 minutes, having the best Thanksgiving feast I’ve ever had in my life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dumbfoundead- Love Psycle

First you find it so intriguing, your heart is beating its so misleading, the want grows into god I need it,  then you find it slowly leaving, you look for something just the same, so you can feel it once again, you go through strangers but its strange, and go  back to salvage what remains,

drunken advances, multiple chances, rookie romantics in need of practice, we’re students of love, in and out of classes, go for the ride until it crashes, Ive been through enough to have learned my lessons, from puppy love throughout my adolescence, we’re friends and enemies, the same identity, you’re a source of strength but a waste of energy, we play that game that some aren’t built for, feel that pain that some would kill for, we drank we smoke, we’ve taken the pillform, got high with you even as your mentor, what we had seemed irreplaceable, till I ran and got a taste of new, but my drive was just a waste of fuel,  shoulda just used it all on my race to you,

I'm naked, I'm numb, I'm stupid, I'm staying
And if Cupid's got a gun, then he's shootin'

Lights black, Heads bang, You're my drug, We live it
You're drunk, you need it, Real love, I'll give it

So we're bound to linger on
We drink the fatal drop
Then love until we bleed
Then fall apart in parts

Verse 2:
when im in im in, put my chips on black, your kiss burned my lips like I just hit crack, turn the lights off we get it crackin, turn the lights on and we lose the passion, we try new things by lying and cheating, a constant cycle of goodbyes and greetings, act like love has a higher meaning, we’re afraid to let loose of are tied up demons, time consuming, mind confusion, im trying theres gotta be a science to it, is it worth the effort, im not an expert, once a heckler before the pressure, a constant  battle with no winner at the end, a simple breakdown from lover to a friend, friend to an enemy than lover once again, it comes and goes as subtle as the wind,
it comes and goes as subtle as the wind,
subtle as the wind,

           About 80% of existing songs are based on love. romance. relationship. break-up, etc. This song isn’t an exception to the typical, however. But it catches my attention not just by the fancy mixtape but its lyrics degrading the common characteristics of love affairs. The rapper articulates the stories and situations with just couple of words; the phrases are direct and concise, sometimes used with hidden meanings. I’m pretty sure all of us who went through relationships experienced at least one of the issues mentioned in the song…whether it was ‘puppy love’, or have been late or have cut classes to see them, argued with eachother, fought, or made up and became friends.
           Currently in this society, with the constant social interaction and individual freedom, love is often taken for granted. They are just considered "chances" that will come back again and again, when the reality is that we will rarely find the ones that we truly seek. The bitter words of the song criticizes the shallow development of two lovers for benefits.
           Among all the lines "you're a source of strength but a waste of energy" stands out to me. It basically conveys "you were dependable but overall a waste of time". As the verse continues, he describes the positive aspects of dating then examples of disputes or conflicts which lead to the theme of the chorus. The chorus suggests the constant love cycle was based on stupidity: “I’m naked, I’m numb, I’m stupid”. It’s as if we regretted the times we were blinded by love, blaming ourselves for the unrighteous acts and immaturity: “if Cupid's got a gun, then he's shootin’ ; Every single time we fall in, not caring at all about the consequences: ”You're my drug, We live it. You're drunk, you need it, Real love, I'll give it”. Then good-byes take place, turning to ‘friends then enemies, then lovers once again'.